Rock your world. Rock the world. Change the world.

Welcome to the shop!

I'm Caroline... A few years ago, I decided to change my life. I searched for a long time for what would please me and motivate me. In the meantime, I opened myself up to what we call “spirituality”. Beyond this somewhat complicated word, I simply believe I can say that I have undertaken a journey allowing me to find the path to my heart, my values ​​and above all my creativity.

Two years ago I started making rosaries; an object for which I have long felt a great affinity. I love going to churches, surrounding myself with statues of the Virgin, ex-votos and a whole bunch of goodies even if in certain aspects I feel a little - or even a lot - angry with the Church. Yes… I am a woman and we cannot say that we have always been treated well in the past. The Saint versus the witch, sinner, temptress... Even today, finding your place as a woman in society is not necessarily easy.

So, as Sainte Caroline did not exist, I decided to make it my own and create it as I imagined it. Rock, free, powerful, sovereign, connected to the elements, to the Earth, to the universe, aligned with her values, with her creativity, intuitive, strong and gentle, rebellious, free to be herself and all women to at the same time... Like a snub to religious dogmas and to those who still consider that we cannot be all that and worthy of being loved and respected.

Rock, bohemian, spiritual, it is in this spirit that I decided to design the Santa Carolina brand and this concept store through which I am keen to encourage more reasoned consumption.

I believe that today it is possible to consume differently; that encouraging ethical brands, creators, artisans, artists, means promoting a world which is more concerned with quality than quantity, which, without necessarily depriving itself, understands that consuming is also a responsibility, that our actions have consequences and that self-respect begins with respect for the earth and others.

So… Rock your world. Rock the world. Change the world!

Affectionately... Caroline... 




- Promote artistic creation and creators

- Favor as much as possible products designed responsibly, respectful of humans and the environment.

- Encourage reasoned consumption. Consume less but better by focusing on product quality, being vigilant at production sites, and limiting stocks so as not to generate overproduction.




- The sharing

- Love

- The respect

- Originality, creativity

- Sovereignty